Restaurant & Hotel Design
Federal Style: The Morrison
House Hotel. 09.1986

The Washingtonian
Condo Design,
The Envoy Apartments. 04.1982

The Washingtonian
Inside Jobs

Contract Magazine
That Extra Touch, Hay-Adams
Hotel. 04.1981

Business Week
Morrison House Hotel

Restaurant Design
Enhancing a Gallery Environment
Cafe de Artistas. 1980

Designer Magazine
Capitol Interior

Residential Interiors, Unity Through Diversity, The Watergate
Apartments. 05.1980

Washington Woman Magazine
Softer Side of Spring

The Washington Star
Mary Douglas Drysdale Apartment. 06.1979

Washington Post Home Magazine
Inspired Ideas ans Spirited
Settings. 12.1984

The Washingtonian
Simple Elegant, Lerman Apartment.

Restaurant & Hotel Design
Variation on a Theme, La Fonda
Restaurant. 08.1983

The Washingtonian
DeWilde Apartment

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