September 2015
"The Artful Home"
Guide for Residential Art
Publisher: Guild 2004
"The Decorative Carpet"
By Alix Perrachon 2010
"It's Your Bed & Bath"
By: Joan Kohn. Drysdale
Farmhouse. 2004
"House Beautiful: Colors For Your
Home, 300 Designer Favorites"
Editors of House Beautiful 2009
"It's Your Kitchen"
By: Joan Kohn. Lipsett-Bernstein
Kitchen. 2003
"The Artful Home: Using Art & Craft to
Great Living Spaces You'll Love" by
Tori SiKes, Founder of the Guild
Multiple Images
Publisher: Guild, 10.2007
"The Perfect Room"
By: Sarah Lynch & Pip Norris
Publisher: Rockport 2001
"The Artful Home, A Guide for
Residential Art"
Set of Two Book: Art for the Wall
& Furniture, Sculpture and Objects.
Publisher: Guild, Apr 2007
"The Artful Home, Art for the
Wall", Volume II, A Guide for
Residential Art. "A Conversation
with Mary Douglas Drysdale"
Publisher: Guild, Apr 2003
"Spectacular Homes of Washington"
Featured Designer Profile
"The Artful Home: Sculpture
and Objects, Volume II, A Guide
for Residential Art"
Publisher: Guild, Apr 2003
"The Artful Home"
Guide for Residential Art
Publisher: Guild 2006
"Design Secrets: Architectural
Interiors", by: Justin Henderson &
Nora Richter Greer
Publisher: Rockport, 2001
"The Artful Home"
Guide for Residential Art
Publisher: Guild 2006
"The New Home Color Book"
By: Anna Kasabian
Publisher: Rockport, 2001